Wayne County Public Schools is sharing the following message regarding graduation plans with high school seniors and parents:
Class of 2020 Graduation Planning: Since school buildings were closed in March, our seniors have lost the opportunity to attend prom, take part in senior trips, participate in school sports, and be able to socialize with teachers and classmates in their classrooms and around their schools. Class of 2020, please know that buildings may be closed, but planning for your graduation celebrations are ongoing. While we do not know exactly what commencement ceremonies will look like at the end of the school year, Wayne County Public Schools is committed to honoring the Class of 2020 and helping our graduates bring closure to their high school experience. Like other school districts across North Carolina, we are waiting to receive health and safety guidance from the State as to what will or will not be allowed for our commencement activities. Once we have this information, our high schools will be in touch to help get your input before any final plans are made.