Saluting Seymour

Saluting Seymour

Every week, Saluting Seymour and SoundScope highlight an airman serving at the Seymour Johnson Air Force Base in Goldsboro.

Airman First Class Grant Russell Bale from the 4th Security Forces Squadron

Bale has been in the Air Force over one year.  He comes to Goldsboro from Point Pleasant, West Virginia.  Bale says he always wanted to be a police officer, so Security Forces was a natural fit.  He says training for Security Forces is always ongoing, and right now, he is in training to be the flight armorer.  During his free time, Bale says he like to visit the shooting range, work on an old Army ambulance, and travel.  Bale says the benefits to an Air Force career include education, the opportunity to travel, and meeting new people who come from all over the nation.

SoundScope can be heard on Fridays at 5:44 AM and 6:44 AM on Goldsboro’s Greatest Hits 1150 AM and 98.3 FM.

