Cooper: State May Be Ready To Move Into Phase 2

Cooper: State May Be Ready To Move Into Phase 2

(NORTH CAROLINA NEWS NETWORK) — Governor Roy Cooper says he hopes a decision can be made by “mid-week” on whether the state is ready to move into the second phase of a three tier reopening plan. During a daily briefing in Raleigh on Monday, Cooper said testing is moving in the right direction.

Cooper said that IF the entire state is NOT able to move into phase two, he would revisit the idea of a regionalized plan that would loosen restrictions more in areas which fewer cases.

Cooper has some harsh words for those who fighting against Covid-19 advice. During Monday’s briefing, he singled out those who were causing problems in public settings when asked to wear face coverings.

State officials are sending a clear message to those who might want to gather with the intent of deliberately contracting Covid-19 to build immunity — don’t do it ! State Health and Human Services Director Mandy Cohen says such activity is unadvisable.

