WCPS Facing Nearly $5 Million Fund Balance Deficit

WCPS Facing Nearly $5 Million Fund Balance Deficit

On Tuesday, the Wayne County Board of Education held a Special Called Meeting that included the presentation of the 2018-2019 fiscal year audit for the first time, along with the auditor’s findings.

Following the audit presentation, the Board asked WCPS Superintendent Dr. Michael Dunsmore a series of questions, including whether he had been able to determine the current amount of the local fund balance, whether teacher supplements would be paid out in June, and if the County has approved a budget extension for the 2020-2021 local budget. Dr. Dunsmore confirmed that the current local fund balance has a deficit of $4,888,647, that the Board will need assistance from the County of Wayne to cover the cost of local supplements, and that he had not yet received any extension for the 2020-2021 local budget.

The district’s former finance officer Michael Hayes resigned effective May 26, and was not on hand to answer questions by the Board about the negative fund balance and why the FY 2019 Audit was not presented last fall as is protocol.

The Wayne County Board of Education is scheduled to reconvene Wednesday at 5:30 PM when it may continue discussing the budgetary issues.

The audit materials presented at the meeting can be accessed by clicking on this link.

