Fear of the unknown has never been more real than it is right now. COVID-19 has people fearful for their lives, their incomes, and their futures.
University of Mount Olive Director of Campus Ministries Lester Rector said, “Fear is FALSE-EVIDENCE-APPEARING-REAL. Most people choose fear over faith, because it is easier to get. Faith requires the death of our will, plan, and thinking so that we see God revealed. We have an incredible opportunity to use this time to bring us closer as a faith-filled family. But, in order to do that, we must let go of what could divide us, and that is FEAR.”
Even while the UMO campus was closed, Live Out Loud Campus Ministries maintained both a chapel and small group presence, in which Rector and his team delivered messages about fear and other topics related to the Bible. Now, with the fall semester underway, students can participate in a variety of virtual ministry opportunities throughout the week including: chapel services on Thursdays at 9 PM on Facebook; social media platforms that address mainstream media trending topics; a variety of small group Zoom sessions; devotionals on Wednesdays at 9 AM; Fellowship of Christian Athletes on Thursdays at 7 PM; and Coffee and Conversation on Saturdays at 11 AM.
Rector said, “I am convinced that God is preparing His people for a year of opportunity.” Rector plans to launch at least six new small groups in the fall, in addition to weekly chapel services. “Our goal is to build upon last year, and develop an even stronger spiritual infrastructure at UMO.”
A one-night revival entitled, “JESUS IS,” is scheduled for September 20. The event will feature five different speakers doing ten minute segments and seven different worship leaders from the community. Ministry speakers will include: Sean Feucht from Southern CA.; Phil Stacey from Kansas City, MO.; Terry Jones from Goldsboro, NC; Bill Rose Jr. from Holly Springs, NC; and Daniel Weeks from Goldsboro, NC.
“Even though times and events may require us to worship differently, we can still come together as a community of believers, and it has never been more important than now to have faith over fear.” Rector said. “We cannot be motivated by fear, but by the love of God that has been given to us freely by God through Jesus.”