K-5 schools in Wayne County will not move into “Plan A” in-person learning until at least late January.
Wednesday, the Wayne County Board of Education took another look at reopening plans for the district’s K-5 classrooms.
School board member Jennifer Strickland says she does not believe the schools are responsible for spreading the coronavirus.
School board chair Chris West says it could be premature to reopen classrooms to the youngest Wayne County Public Schools students.
Looking at the WCPS dashboard, school board member Len Henderson says cases of infection are going up in the school system.
In the end, the school board voted 5 – 2 and decided to delay reopening K-5 to the in-person “Plan A” option until January 25th.
The Wayne County Board of Education also plans to meet and reexamine the local COVID-19 trends before that time to determine if reopening those schools is still feasible.