The United Way of Wayne County 2020 Community Campaign officially wrapped up December 31, 2020. Starting the year with an ambitious goal of raising $900,000 to impact over 18,000 lives across Wayne County, and considering the obstacles 2020 brought, the campaign was a success. Together with major Investors, residents and businesses, 94.3% of the goal was met. $848,905.98 will impact approximately16,978 lives right here in Wayne County.
Ashley Fritz, Resource Development Director shared a few words on her first community campaign experience; “Based off of the people I have met across the community, the generosity of the residents of Wayne County hasn’t surprised me at all. I had no doubt people would step up and help if they were able. This season has made me even more proud to be part of this community” said Fritz. “This year was an absolute test of our faith, compassion and resilience and I think we all came out of 2020 just a bit stronger. I am extremely excited to see what 2021 brings and how our amazing community will continue to thrive.”
Fritz worked closely with Bethany Perry, the 2020 Campaign Chair, and Sherry Archibald the Executive Director at the UWWC to facilitate an employee campaign at over 90 businesses and schools across Wayne County. By hosting an employee campaign, businesses make it easy for their employees to give back by payroll deduction or one of the many other options available.
“These Community Campaigns are the primary source of raising the funds we use to support non-profits and vital programs in our community. Each one, no matter the size, is not only important, but absolutely vital to the success of our Campaign season, and ultimately, our community, by ensuring there is funding for our Community Partners tomorrow.” Fritz says. “The United Way is for everyone, disaster can strike any time, to anyone; and we plan to be there for you when it does.”
A brief message from the Executive Director of the United Way of Wayne County, Sherry Archibald, “On behalf of our Board of Directors and staff, we are extremely grateful to have the support of such a generous community. The continued support of these life changing programs is as important now as ever before. In a meeting with a colleague last week, I was asked “How were you able to get so close to your goal in a year of such crisis?” The truth? Combine a caring community, willing to roll up their sleeves to get things done, with such an enthusiastic Campaign Chair, and that’s where you get results. We are standing ready for our community and no matter what tomorrow brings, we will adapt and overcome. Thank you, Wayne County.”
The United Way of Wayne County’s mission is to unite people and resources to improve lives and strengthen our community. The United Way accomplishes this mission by providing grants to organizations that focus on financial stability, health and wellness and basic needs. They also provide grants for emerging issues such as natural disasters and the opioid crisis. Currently the United Way funds 16 programs through 11 agencies in Wayne County, including: American Red Cross, Literacy Connections, Wayne Uplift, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Partnership for Children, Boys and Girls Club, The Salvation Army, Communities Supporting Schools, Society of St. Vincent DePaul, and WAGES. The United Way also works to connect businesses and individuals with volunteer opportunities. If you are interested in serving our community or donating to the United Way, please call 919-735-3591.