Operation Unite Goldsboro, Goldsboro Pediatrics and Wayne UNC Health Care are partnering to host a COVID Town Hall on Thursday, January 28, 2021 from 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM. The event will be held via Zoom. Registration is required and may be completed by visiting the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5359545850?pwd=YUtpOGZqOWRDaVphTVI3Ynpaa3k4UT09.
During the forum, local and state officials will provide updates on the impact that COVID-19 is having on Wayne County. An update on local coronavirus statistics, COVID testing, and the vaccine will be provided. Confirmed speakers are as follows:
- Rep. Raymond Smith, Jr. , NC House of Representatives
- Goldsboro Pediatrics – Dr. David Tayloe
- Wayne UNC Health Care – Dr. Jessie L. Tucker, President & CEO
- Wayne County Health Department – Dr. Brenda Weis, Director
- Dr. Viviana Martinez-Bianchi, Associate Professional, Duke Family Medicine and Community Health
- Ian MacDonald, Clinical Director, Goldsboro Counseling Center
Community organizer, Mr. Mark Colebrook of Operation Unite Goldsboro explains, “With COVID numbers continuing to climb in our nation, state, and especially in our county, our community needs relevant information about COVID. It is still so important to continuing testing, practicing the 3 W’s, and get up-to-date information about the vaccine. This town hall will allow for two-way communication to be able to answer questions from our community.
Dr. David Tayloe, Goldsboro Pediatrics shares, “Although most children will not be eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine until clinical trials on children are complete, the pediatricians at Goldsboro Pediatrics know that children are suffering in a variety of ways because they cannot attend school in-person. The most efficient way for children to return to school is for large numbers of adult school staff to develop immunity receiving safe, effective vaccines.”
Dr. Jessie Tucker, III President and CEO of Wayne UNC Health Care adds, “There is a lot of misinformation about the virus and the vaccines circling our community, specifically social media. We want to provide accurate information that will help our patients and the community at large decide what is best for them and their family when they make decisions concerning the issues surrounding this pandemic and how to help control it.”