You may be astonished to know the lives you touch and influence.
Pepper Capps Hill is an educator at the Cape Fear Museum in Wilmington.
At the start of February, she posted one of her weekly educational videos for children aged 3 – 6 sharing a simple message about racism and the importance of treating everyone with fairness and kindness.
Hill says she hopes the video can help start a family conversation.
At the end of the video, in honor of Black History Month, Hill recognized influential African Americans.
The list included Doris F. Murphy, Hill’s 4th grade teacher at Fremont Elementary School.
Hill says people like President Barack Obama are known around the world, but someone like Ms. Murphy has had that sort of impact for generations of Fremont area residents.
While in school, Hill says Ms. Murphy took the time to “take her under her wing.”
Hill says she hopes the video, and her story with Ms. Murphy, will help the youngest generation understand the value of seeing and treating everyone equally.
Click here for Ms. Pepper’s Black History Month video on the Cape Fear Museum’s Facebook page.