Goldsboro is looking at possibly staggering the terms of its city council members.
At its retreat in February, the council asked to learn what it would take to basically have half of the council (three members) elected every two years.
Council members currently are all elected to their four year terms all at once.
Councilman and Mayor Pro Tem David Ham, Councilman Bill Broadaway and Councilwoman Hiawatha Jones were among those speaking in favor of the proposal.
Ham suggested staggered terms will help provide “continuity” in the event that there’s a major turnover of council members in an election.
Suggesting that staggered terms seemed unnecessary, Councilwoman Brandi Matthews wondered why the issue was coming up now after it’s been discussed for a couple of decades with no action.
City Attorney Ron Lawrence suggested taking a little more time before making a final decision.
Lawrence noted the council’s district boundaries could be changed once the Census results are released.
Assistant City Manager Randy Guthrie reminded the City of Goldsboro is in compliance with its current term structure and schedule.
The city would have to amend its charter in order to stagger the council members’ terms, and public input would be involved.
At this time, there appears to be a consensus and the council is looking for further information from city staff before formally moving forward on the staggered term issue.