County Supports Effort To Name Bridge After Former Fremont Mayor

Andy Evans was found dead from a gunshot wound on his Fremont property in June of 2018.

County Supports Effort To Name Bridge After Former Fremont Mayor

There’s an effort to get a Wayne County bridge named after a former mayor.

At their last meeting, the Wayne County Board of Commissioners approved requesting the I-795 and N.C. 222 bridge be named in honor of Andy Evans, the former mayor of Fremont.

Commissioner Barbara Aycock read the resolution and thanked Evans’ family, who were in attendance at the meeting.

Aycock says she valued Evans’ friendship during her time in Fremont.

She shared a pair of stories regarding Evans using his own equipment to clear ditches and properties so they would not flood before hurricanes struck.

Aycock says that was indicative of the kind of person Evans was for the Town of Fremont.

Evans’ family thanked the Wayne County Commissioners for supporting the effort to name the bridge after Andy.

The Fremont Town Board was also going to be asked to approve a similar resolution at a coming meeting.


