Saluting Seymour

Saluting Seymour

Every week, Saluting Seymour and SoundScope highlight an airman serving at the Seymour Johnson Air Force Base in Goldsboro.

Airman 1st Class Zachary Richey from the 4th Equipment Maintenance Squadron

Richey has been in the Air Force just about two years.  His hometown is just outside of Houston, Texas.  Richey says joining the military is a family tradition, and his grandfather and several uncles served in the Air Force.  Richey is in Aircraft Structural Maintenance where he works on anything that has to do with the structural integrity of the jets.  Seymour Johnson is Richey’s only duty station, and he’s been here just under one year.  He enjoys spending time at a local church, getting involved in the community and fishing.  Amongst the benefits, Richey says the skills he’s learned would carry over to a post-Air Force career.  He also says the Air Force has helped him mature.  He’s planning to utilize the Air Force’s tuition assistance to become a teacher.


Richey SoundScope 1

Richey SoundScope 2

Richey SoundScope 3

SoundScope can be heard on Fridays at 5:45 AM, 6:45 Am and 7:45 AM on Goldsboro’s Greatest Hits 1150 AM and 98.3 FM.

