A new event will give the community a chance to show its appreciation for our military and first responders.
The inaugural NC Freedom Fest is set for September 18th in Downtown Goldsboro.
Doug McGrath gave a presentation on the NC Freedom Fest to the Wayne County Commissioners last week.
McGrath says there are plenty of events that will happen the week leading up to the main event.
Seymour Johnson Air Force Base has agreed to bring some of its POW/MIA events off-base for the event.
A 12 mile Ruck March will be held across the Goldsboro area on Monday, August 13.
The Wall, a replica of the Vietnam Memorial. will come to Goldsboro on Wednesday, September 15, and be displayed at Wayne Community College for three days.
A 24 hour vigil at The Freedom Tree in Downtown Goldsboro begins Thursday, September 16.
The Freedom Fest version of a Center Street Jam, called Grub at The HUB, will be held on Friday, September 17, featuring live music, food trucks and kids rides.
The main event is held on Saturday, September 18, with a 5K fun run, live music, a chicken wing cook-off, cornhole tournament, and more.
A challenge coin commemorating Freedom Fest is available for purchase at downtown merchants.
McGrath says the NC Freedom Fest has the simple concept of bringing the base and community together in a family-friendly setting in Downtown Goldsboro.
Volunteers are still needed for NC Freedom Fest.
Full event details can be found at NCFreedomFest.com.