Mount Olive Receives Two New Fire Trucks (PHOTO GALLERY)

Mount Olive Receives Two New Fire Trucks (PHOTO GALLERY)

Last week, the Mount Olive Fire Department became the proud owner of two brand new 2021 Pierce Enforcer fire engines. Both engines are identical with only a few cosmetic differences on the outside. Engine 1 has an American Flag on the front grill, while Engine 2 has the North Carolina Flag on the grill. Both engines are equipped with a 1,500 GPM pump, a 1,000 gallon tank, and a 30 gallon foam system. The hose bed in the rear is much lower for safety. These trucks will replace Mount Olive’s 2002 Engine 1 and their 1996 Engine 2. At this time, the Mount Olive F.D. has 26 members, five paid employees and covers two fire districts. The cost of both trucks was $1.2 million in a buy-one-get-two deal. Grant money through the USDA was used to help purchase both of these trucks. During the signing Thursday, Mount Olive Fire Chief Greg Wiggins stood up and thanked the members of the town board for their help making it possible in getting these trucks. Chief Wiggins also gave special thanks to his team of firefighters that were on the truck committee for their work in the past year designing their trucks.

