(GDN) — A library in northern Wayne County is closing.
Tuesday, the Wayne County Board of Commissioners voted to permanently close the Fremont Library.
Fremont Town Administrator Tony Howell addressed the potential closure at Tuesday’s meeting.
He was concerned northern county residents could be left out if a new library was built in the Buck Swamp area.
Howell urged the county to look at other viable options for a new library in Fremont, including the newer section of the existing Fremont School or land behind behind the Fremont School playground.
County Manager Craig Honeycutt says the library system is working to ensure services are still provided in the nearby area.
Honeycutt says the closure helps the county focus on new options for library services for that area without trying to “renovate a building that may or may not be worth saving.”
Commissioner Antonio Williams also proposed studying the need for a library in the Dudley and Mar-Mac area, which the commissioners plan to start looking into in the New Year.