Become An Extension Master Gardener Volunteer!

Wayne County Extension Master Gardeners volunteering at various Wayne County Extension gardening programs.

Become An Extension Master Gardener Volunteer!

Do you have an interest in learning more about gardening? Would you like to meet and share with other gardeners? Do you have an interest in volunteering to provide gardening educational programs with NC Cooperative Extension? Then the Wayne County Extension Master Gardener Volunteer program may be for you!

The Wayne County Cooperative Extension Office is now accepting applications to recruit new Extension Master Gardener Volunteers. An Extension Master Gardener is a volunteer for NC Cooperative Extension. Volunteers assist their local county extension office providing unbiased, research-based information to gardeners of all ages on home lawns, landscapes, and gardens. The information that Extension Master Gardener Volunteers provide are ones that guide homeowners in making practical decisions in their landscapes and gardens.

Potential volunteers should have an interest and commitment to volunteering, be available to volunteer on weekdays, willing to share their knowledge and interested in learning more about gardening. Prior gardening knowledge is not required.

A training course will be held in early 2022 on Wednesdays starting January 12th through May 4th from 9am to Noon. Training classes prepare potential volunteers to answer gardening questions and diagnose common problems related to cultivating lawns, fruits and vegetables, and landscape plants. Registration cost is $85 without a handbook or $135 with a hard copy handbook.

The first step to becoming an Extension Master Gardener Volunteer is to stop by the Wayne County Cooperative Extension Office or email [email protected] to get an application packet. The application packet will include volunteer requirements, application, and training schedule. Application deadline is December 20th.

For more information and/or to pick up an application packet, contact the Wayne County Cooperative Extension Office at 919-731-1520. Wayne County Cooperative Extension Office is located at The Maxwell Center at 3114B Wayne Memorial Drive, Goldsboro.

Jessica Strickland is an Agriculture Extension Agent, specializing in horticulture for North Carolina Cooperative Extension in Wayne County.

Wayne County Extension Master Gardeners volunteering at various Wayne County Extension gardening programs.
