(GDN) – Wayne County takes a look at its financial health.
Danna Layne with the firm Nunn, Brashear, and Uzzell presented the audit for the county’s Fiscal Year 2021 to the Wayne County Commissioner last week.
Layne says they did find a significant deficiency in the Register of Deeds Department.
There was also a non-compliance issue with the Department of Social Services.
The county has implemented corrective action plans to address both issues.
Some other highlights from the 2021 audit:
- The assets of Wayne County exceeded its liabilities and deferred inflows of resources at the close of the fiscal year by $165,855,918 (net position).
- The government’s total net position increased by $6,987,937. This increase is primarily due to increased property and sales tax revenues and grant revenues.
- At the end of the current fiscal year, unassigned fund balance for the General Fund was $39,636,183 or 35.36 percent of total general fund expenditures for the fiscal year.
Following the presentation, the commissioners approved and accepted the annual audit for the fiscal year that ended on June 30th, 2021.