Four University of Mount Olive students recently participated in the North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities annual Ethics Bowl. The theme of this year’s virtual events was Ethics in Democracy and Citizenship.
“Rebecca Leggett, director of Programs for NCICU and coordinator of the Ethics Bowl, said, “The exploration of democracy and citizenship is as relevant today as any time in our history, and important to our students’ educational foundation.”
Participating from UMO were: Eric Holland, a junior computer information systems major; Macy Parkhurst, a sophomore business management major from Pikeville, Taylor Redman, a senior accounting major from Tarboro; and Eduardo Rodriguez, a senior computer information systems major from Albertson.
“We are so proud of our University of Mount Olive students,” said Dean of the Tillman School of Business Dr. Kathy Best. “They did an outstanding job in their debate and presentation of cases.”
Of the 13 participating colleges and universities, the University of Mount Olive students won two out of the three rounds of competition.