WCPS Board Approves Motion of Support for Resolution Proposing ¼ Cent Sales Tax

WCPS Board Approves Motion of Support for Resolution Proposing ¼ Cent Sales Tax

The Wayne County Board of Education held a special called meeting Monday to discuss a key item of business. It was to discuss the Wayne County Board of Commissioners (BOC) “Resolution #2022-27: A Resolution To Place A One-Quarter Of One Cent Local Option Sales Tax on the November 8, 2022, General Election Ballot In Wayne County, North Carolina”. Superintendent, Dr. David Lewis shared that the BOC was seeking for the Board of Education to approve a motion of support for the resolution.

As part of the discussion, Dr. Lewis provided a copy of the ¼ Cent Sales Tax Priority Project List adopted by the Board of Education in September. (Below) Dr. Lewis shared that the priority list was originally developed using an estimate of $30 million, based on funding projected to be received with the previous ¼ Cent Sales tax referendum effort which failed in 2020. Because funding from the upcoming referendum is expected to be distributed across multiple County departments and areas if passed by voters, the sales tax funding levels for WCPS is likely to be less than anticipated.

Board member Foucht expressed that he felt the Board’s priority list should reflect the Board’s priorities regardless of available funding streams. Dr. Lewis agreed, further noting the priority list essentially sets standards that the district can work towards to address Campus Safety, Learning Environment, Campus Revitalization Effort, and Athletic Facilities through Sales Tax. The motion to support the resolution passed 4-1 with Board Member Henderson voting against it.

1/4 Cent Sales Tax Priority Project List



Senior Night