Pate Named 2023 USDA Farm Service Agency Employee of the Year

Pate Named 2023 USDA Farm Service Agency Employee of the Year

Amanda Pate, an employee in the Wayne County Farm Service Agency office, has been selected as the 2023 USDA – Farm Service Agency District 6 Employee of the Year.

The purpose of this award is to recognize employees who have provided extraordinary customer service within the agency and demonstrated an extra effort to serve customers.

Pate received recognition in April of 2023 for being selected as the District 6 Employee of the Quarter for the 2nd quarter of 2023. She also received a Certificate of Recognition, a 4-hour time off award, and temporary custody of an Employee of the Quarter Parking Sign along with the opportunity to compete for the 2023 District 6 Employee of the Year for which she now holds the title.

As the recipient of the Employee of the Year award, Pate will receive a Crystal Keepsake, a $100 Gift Card, and a District #6 Employee of the Year Certificate.

Pate has been employed by the Farm Service Agency since June 2020. She currently works in the Wayne County office and is primarily responsible for ARC/PLC and compliance.

Along with these responsibilities, Pate also assists with other duties. She is recognized for her “team player” spirit as she is also willing to pitch in wherever she is needed.

Pate is extremely thankful to be a part of the FSA Family and the great group of people she works alongside in Wayne County as well as her previous boss & former co-workers who helped train her and “show her the ropes”.

Ptae enjoys spending time with her family and friends; especially her two nephews and special little cousins that she loves like her own. She has no “human” children, but adores her precious fur-baby, a Pit-bull named “Rowdy”.

Pate’s hobbies include attending concerts when time permits and reading a really good book always helps her unwind.

Pate is proving to be a good addition to the Farm Service Agency and is an excellent example of the kind of employee that has and will continue to benefit the producers and staff of FSA.

USDA Farm Service Agency District 6 includes Greene, Pitt, Wayne, Nash, Martin, Washington, Tyrell-Dare, Hyde, Beaufort, Wilson, Craven, Pamlico, Carteret, and Edgecombe.

The Farm Service Agency implements agricultural policy, administers credit and loan programs, and manages conservation, commodity, disaster, and farm marketing programs along with other numerous programs throughout the nation.

The Farm Service Agency’s mission is serving farmers, ranchers, and agricultural partners through the delivery of agricultural programs.

