Goldsboro Rotary Passes Gavel, Distributes Grants

Goldsboro Rotary Passes Gavel, Distributes Grants

This week, the Goldsboro Rotary Club Passed the Gavel in leadership and supported five non-profits with grants.

With a Rotary in Paradise theme, the annual passing of the gavel was held in the fellowship hall of St. Paul Methodist Church in downtown Goldsboro. 

The Goldsboro Rotary celebrated many highlights from the previous year while serving Wayne County. 

Club President, Duffy Fleming, ceremoniously passed the gavel to President-Elect, Mitch Ivey, after sharing in successes of the year.  In attendance were Rotary Club members, guests, and non-profit award recipients.   

Fleming expressed thanks to club members and took the game approach to recap the year.  With Friendly Feud, Rotarians looked back over the year to reflect on programs, special guests, and community projects supported by Rotary.  The theme for the year was obviously collaboration. 

Fleming shared the Goldsboro Rotary’s commitment to education through the Wayne Community College Scholarship, the partnership created with Three Eagles Rotary for a satellite club and the collaboration with Blue Couch media to create a new member orientation video.

Just before passing the gavel, Fleming recognized newly retired, and long time Rotarian, Dean Lee.  Joining the Goldsboro Rotary in 2005, Lee served as President in 2011-2012 and has been recognized as Paul Harris Fellow. 

As Fleming passed the gavel to Rotarian Mitch Ivey, she expressed her enthusiasm to continue to serve alongside Ivey’s leadership.  (see photo attached: Pass Gavel- Left to Right:  Mitch Ivey & Duffy Fleming)

Ivey shared, with great appreciation, the next line of leadership for Goldsboro Rotary: 

President:                  Mitch Ivey

Secretary:                  Terri Bradley

Treasurer:                  Reding Pitman

Sergeant at Arms     Laurie Urland

Membership Chair   Donna Phillips

Public Relations       Sherry Archibald

Rotarians Sherry Archibald & Tiffany Creech presented five $500.00 grants to community non-profits based on their work around Rotary’s focus areas:  Peace, Disease Prevention & Treatment, water sanitation, mental & child health, education/literacy & Economic Development 

1. Partnership for Children- Mitch Ivey-Rotary, Blair Cox-Partnership for Children & Jodi Baker-Rotary. (PFC)

2.  Piedmont Health Services & Sickle Cell Agency-  Terri Bradley – Rotary and Marsha Newsome-PHSSCA (PHSSCA)

3.  Southeastern Cancer Care Cures for the Colors- Walter Krentz-Rotary, Emma Barnes (SECCCC)

4. Habitat for Humanity Goldsboro/Wayne – Not pictured

5. WAGES – Sherry Archibald-Rotary, Tiffany Luck-WAGES, Tiffany Creech-Rotary.

 Goldsboro Rotary meets each Tuesday at St. Paul Methodist Church at 12:30p for lunch with the program beginning at 1 p.m.

For more information, visit

