Chamber Presents Foodie Friday Proceeds to WCLDA Foundation

Chamber Presents Foodie Friday Proceeds to WCLDA Foundation

The Wayne County Chamber of Commerce presented a check on Tuesday to the Wayne County Livestock Development Association with the funds to be earmarked for scholarships for local students pursuing Ag degrees at the University of Mount Olive and Wayne Community College.

The funds, $4,885.94, were raised during Foodie Week, the Chamber’s week-long celebration of food in Wayne County, that was held Apr. 29 through May 3.

“The Livestock Association over the years has awarded 184 scholarships for a little over $321,000,” said Eddie Pitzer, the General Manager of the Livestock Association of Wayne County. “We wanted to put together a foundation to where we could go after more contributions for that as a tax-deductible. We also in the spring have a junior livestock show and sale. The foundation was formed to support the junior livestock show and to also be able to help support some of the scholarship funds that we need to continue some of the programs, and the education to give those kids an opportunity to be involved in agriculture.”

Foodie Week originated as an idea of the Wayne County Small Business Committee and then grew through the Wayne County Chamber of Commerce, as a concept to capture the process food goes through from the local farm, through the production plant, and ultimately to the local restaurant.

Each day during Foodie Week,, a Wayne County restaurant was highlighted at lunch with a different establishment being in the spotlight at dinner. The chamber also conducted a private AG tour that was highlighted through content on their social media pages.

The week concluded with Foodie Friday at The Hub in downtown Goldsboro.

“Just a few months ago in May, we did an event called Foodie Friday,” said Wayne County Chamber of Commerce President Scott Satterfield. “The purpose of that event was to have a meal and an auction, to try to make a big deal out of our (agriculture) community here in Wayne County, which is the number one economic driver in this county, $1.3 billion dollars of annual economic impact. It is still king, and we wanted to say, because we need to remember where our food comes from.”

Foodie Friday featured an open-air dinner with a locally sourced meal and a live auction. The event also included a viewing of the Foodie Friday documentary filmed by the Wayne County Chamber of Commerce and the County of Wayne.

