YOUR SEYMOUR SALUTE: Powered by Freedom Fest

YOUR SEYMOUR SALUTE: Powered by Freedom Fest

Every week, Your Seymour Salute highlights an airman serving at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base in Goldsboro.

Senior Airman Lukas Paquette-Simpson was critical in a last-minute vehicle exchange for a recent exercise. He repaired two aircraft tow vehicles and one tractor-trailer in less than 24 hours. Senior Airman Simpson was hand-selected for a “Dirty Jobs” immersion with the Mission Support Group Commander where he guided them through a 2-hour step-by-step repair.

Senior Airman Paquette-Simpson also led classes where he instructed 14 peers to safely disassemble and assemble a dangerous, multi-piece tire rim. Senior Airman Paquette-Simpson’s tenacity has culminated in him being elected as the Squadron’s Booster Club President, October’s Flight Performer of the Month, and selection as the Squadron’s Airman of the Quarter.

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