Goldsboro City Council Proclaims April “Second Chance” Month

Goldsboro City Council Proclaims April “Second Chance” Month

During Monday’s Goldsboro City Council meeting a proclamation was accepted to declare April to be “Second Chance,” month in Goldsboro.

The proclamation read:

WHEREAS, approximately 95 percent of all people in prison will eventually complete their sentence, be released from incarceration, and return to their communities, and

WHEREAS, formerly incarcerated individuals are faced with significant barriers to employment, economic stability, and successful re-entry into society, and

WHEREAS, justice-involved youth may encounter similar challenges when leaving a secure custody facility, such as difficulties reuniting with family, and peers, reintegrating into their home community, and enrolling in the local educational system, and

WHEREAS, local leaders and state and federal officials recognize these challenges, and continue to promote the rehabilitation and reintegration of formerly incarcerated adults and justice-involved youth into society by developing policies and programs that make it easier for those individuals to lead successful lives and,

WHEREAS, the City of Goldsboro continues to collaborate with the Wayne County Reentry Council, Wayne Community College, local industry, and all units of government to promote re-entry efforts for motivated individuals to compete for jobs, attain stable housing, support their families, and contribute to their communities, and

WHEREAS, the Reentry Council at Wayne Community College recently received the 2025 myFutureNC Champion for Attainment Award.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Goldsboro City Council does hereby proclaim the month of April as


in Goldsboro, North Carolina, and encourage all residents to observe this month and recognize the efforts of those who work to improve the rehabilitation and reintegration of formerly incarcerated individuals.

IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of the City of Goldsboro, North Carolina, this the 17th day of March 2025.

Charles Gaylor, IV Mayor

Established in 2022, the Wayne County Reentry Council was recognized after the reading of the proclamation.

The Reentry Council exists to assist incarcerated individuals of the Wayne County community with reentry into society by identifying and assisting with needed resources to make this transition as successful as possible for the incarcerated individual.

Individuals can receive assistance with clothing, transportation, housing, flood, employment, and education from the Reentry Council.

In February, the Wayne County Reentry Council was named a 2025 Champion for Attainment by myFutureNC.

myFutureNC recognized the Champions for Attainment for helping to equip North Carolinians with the skills and credentials necessary for a strong workforce and thriving economy.

The Champions for Attainment distinction was awarded to individuals and organizations demonstrating outstanding dedication to expanding access, success, and completion for adult learners across North Carolina.

To learn more about the Wayne County Reentry Council, visit the Wayne Community College website.

