GFD Responds to Structure Fire on S. Jefferson Street on Wednesday Night

GFD Responds to Structure Fire on S. Jefferson Street on Wednesday Night

On March 19, 2025, at approximately 8:14 p.m., Goldsboro Fire Department units were dispatched to a structure fire at 408 S. Jefferson St.

Upon arrival at 8:19 p.m., firefighters were met with heavy smoke emitting from the structure.

An aggressive interior attack was initiated along with a search of the structure for any possible victims.

Seventeen personnel responded with five apparatus and brought the fire under control at 8:40 p.m. Goldsboro Police Department, Wayne County EMS, Duke Energy and the Wayne County Chapter of the American Red Cross all responded to assist.

Five adults and one infant were displaced and are being assisted by the Red Cross.

There were no civilian or firefighter injuries.

Firefighters remained on the scene until 9:55 p.m. for cause determination and salvage operations.

The fire was determined to be accidental caused by an exhaust fan that malfunctioned or overheated.

Building value and damage estimates are unavailable at this time.

