Wayne Community College is offering an online Career Readiness Certification preparation course.
National Career Readiness Certification Success Lab classes will be available Aug. 3-30, Aug. 14-Sept. 14, and Sept. 1-30.
The four-week classes provide an overview of the ACT WorkKeys assessment and prepare participants to obtain the NCRC. The questions and problems reviewed in the course are similar to those on the exam. Test-taking tips and problem-solving hints are also included to help participants achieve a better score.
The WorkKeys tests measure current skills level in Workplace Documents, Applied Mathematics, and Graphic Literacy, which are considered essential work skills for success in jobs across industries and occupations. Individuals may earn bronze, silver, gold, or platinum certificates based on their performance on the tests.
Testing is held multiple times each month at the college. Go to “NCRC Preparation and Testing” at www.waynecc.edu/business-industry/talent-assessment/ for the schedule and registration information.
The NCRC is acknowledged by employers across the state. One hundred Wayne County employers recognize or recommend the NCRC for selection, hiring, training, and advancement.
More than 20,000 certificates have been awarded to Wayne County residents, giving more than 35 percent of the county’s workforce the credential.
The NCRC preparation course is one of several Human Resources Development courses that teach employability skills and provide career development. These short-term classes address participants’ current needs and equip them with knowledge, values, and practical skills essential to apply for and keep jobs and advance in their careers.
Cost of the course is $70. Participants may qualify for a tuition waiver if they are unemployed, “underemployed,” or have received notice of layoff or pending layoff.
Course descriptions and registration instructions can be found at www.waynecc.edu/continuing-ed/. Also located there is the Course Schedule that provides information on all of the Workforce Continuing Education offerings. Call 919-739-6900 with questions about this and other courses.