The push is on to get all eligible North Carolinians vaccinated against the coronavirus.
As part of the ongoing effort to dispel any vaccination misinformation, Cornell P. Wright, MPA, the Executive Director of the NCDHHS Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities, appeared on Jeff Farrow’s Morning Show on Goldsboro’s Greatest Hits 1150 and 98.3.
Wright says the COVID vaccine is free even if you don’t have insurance.
He says vaccine is available to anyone 12 and up, regardless of immigration status, and you can receive the vaccine without showing ID.
A person is considered fully vaccinated two weeks after receiving their final dose of the COVID vaccine.
Wright says there are still times immunized persons still need to practice COVID-19 precautions, including wearing masks indoors and practice social distancing in public settings or while with others who are not vaccinated.
He suggests talking to others about why you decided to get vaccinated against the coronavirus and even offer rides so they can get their shot.
Wright also reminds you CANNOT catch COVID-19 from receiving the vaccine.
Anyone 12 and up is eligible to receive the COVID vaccine, and the state has plenty of vaccine available to get a shot to anyone who wants to be immunized.
To find a location to receive the COVID-19 vaccine anywhere in North Carolina, visit