GPD to Host Racial Equity Training Oct. 26 & Oct. 28

GPD to Host Racial Equity Training Oct. 26 & Oct. 28

The Goldsboro Police Department will host a two-day virtual racial equity training from 5:45 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 26 and Thursday, Oct. 28. These training sessions are open to the public. The City of Goldsboro and the County of Wayne recently were awarded the Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC)/Racial Ethnic Disparities (RED) Grant through the North Carolina Governor’s Crime Commission. As part of the department’s commitment to reducing racial and ethnic disparities in the juvenile justice system and the grant, this training is being offered free to the public.

Law enforcement, juvenile justice officials, school administrators, community leaders, faith-based organizations, and the public are invited to participate in this training. Individuals interested in attending will be required to register by visiting the City of Goldsboro’s website at or visiting the Goldsboro Police Department’s Facebook page and then clicking on the registration links. 

Tuesday, October 26:
Click here to join meeting

Thursday, October 28
Click here to join meeting

