Reminder: Computers Temporarily Down At Library This Week

Reminder: Computers Temporarily Down At Library This Week

This week, December 28th through December 30th, the Wayne County Public Library will update their computer systems to accommodate wireless printing. During the updates, public computer access and printing will be unavailable at all library locations.  However, the library’s free Wi-Fi will remain accessible from library parking lots and inside the buildings. Laptops will also be available for use in the library with valid ID and library card.

“The library has been using our current computer system for over ten years,” said Anna Snyder, Head of Reference. “The new system will give the library a much needed update, and will feature wireless printing. We want to thank everyone for their patience as we make the switch.”

“Patrons have been asking for this a long time,” said Jessica Lozano, PR Coordinator and Library Assistant. “You can just come in, send the document to the printer from your phone or laptop, and pay for the print. We are very excited to offer this service to our community.”

As of January 2022, patrons will no longer be able to store money on their print accounts.

