On Friday morning, State Representative Chris Humphrey will present a North Carolina flag to the family of Trace Hill, the Eagle Scout, who passed away at age 15 in January of this year.
The ceremony will take place at 9 a.m., at 945 Hwy 123 N,, in Hookerton. The site is meaningful because it is also the location of Hill’s Eagle Scout project.
Hill’s experience in Boy Scouts was remembered in his obituary:
“He started his career in Scouting in East Carolina Council Cub Pack 114 where he earned his Tiger Rank and Wolf Rank. In 2016, he moved to Cub Pack 424 where he earned his next three ranks, ending with his Arrow of Light. In 2019, he crossed over into Troop 424 and developed a whole new love for Scouting advancing four ranks in one year. He served many leadership roles in the troop ending with his last being Senior Patrol Leader. At the time of his death, he was working on his Board Approved Eagle Scout Project to complete his scouting career and obtaining his Eagle Scout Honor. Trace was a member of the Order of the Arrow. He was Chief of the Neusiok Chapter and a member of the East Carolina Council Croatan Lodge 117. “
Hill was survived by his father, Malcolm Harry Hill, Jr. and mother, Jennifer Mozingo Hil