Reentry Council Named Champion for Attainment

Reentry Council Named Champion for Attainment

The Wayne County Reentry Council at Wayne Community College has been named a 2025 Champion for Attainment by myFutureNC.

WCC and the Wayne County Reentry Council support formerly incarcerated individuals by providing education, employment services, and essential resources for a successful transition.

Established in 2022, the initiative reduces recidivism through job readiness workshops, training programs, and partnerships with local employers.

The Champions for Attainment distinction was awarded to individuals and organizations demonstrating outstanding dedication to expanding access, success, and completion for adult learners across North Carolina.

The recipients were announced during myFutureNC’s State of Educational Attainment event.

“The Wayne County Reentry Council, along with our many partner agencies, is so appreciative of this honor,” said WCC Vice President of Workforce Continuing Education Services and Community Engagement Renita Dawson. “Our work helping individuals either transferring back to our communities or still feeling the effects of being justice-involved is a continuous journey.”

myFutureNC recognized the Champions for Attainment for helping to equip North Carolinians with the skills and credentials necessary for a strong workforce and thriving economy.

“This award gives us the fuel we need to continue supporting these persons and showing them that we believe in second chances,” said Dawson.

To learn more about the Wayne County Reentry Council visit the Wayne Community College website.

