The Vietnam Veterans Welcome Home ceremony is sponsored by the Wayne County Veterans & Patriots Coalition, Inc, and the Wayne County Museum. Ceremonies begins on Saturday, March 29, 2025 at 11:00am at the Wayne County Museum, second floor at 116 N. William Street, Goldsboro, NC
Many Veterans returning home from the Vietnam War did not receive the respect and welcome they deserved. In 2012 President Obama issued a proclamation making
March 29th of each year, “Vietnam Veterans Day!” We want to bridge that gap and make
sure that Vietnam Veterans understand that our community is forever grateful for the sacrifices they made. Join us for a celebration and a hearty “Welcome Home!”
Events include: Reading of the POW/MIA names from North Carolina, and a military
honors ceremony. Light refreshments, camaraderie, and friendship will follow.
Goldsboro, NC 27530