Category Archives: Gardening Tips

February Is The Time To Prune Muscadine Grapes

February Is The Time To Prune Muscadine Grapes

It is that time of the year again to begin many pruning chores in the landscape and garden. One of the major pruning chores includes pruning grapevines. The common type of grapevine grown in Eastern North Carolina is muscadines.  Muscadine grapes are native to the Southeastern United States and are easier to grow than other…read more »

What’s Blooming In January

What’s Blooming In January

One goal for an attractive garden is to have some color interest at all times of the year. In the winter season it can seem like a challenge to have something flowering in the garden, however, there are some plants that can add color to the garden in January. Here are a few plants to…read more »

Consider Adding Blueberries & Grapes to This Year’s Garden

Consider Adding Blueberries & Grapes to This Year’s Garden

When it comes to growing fruit, blueberries and grapes are two of the easiest to successfully grow in Eastern North Carolina.  Both have few pest problems and the main annual chore would be pruning them in late winter. If you are interested in trying to grow some fruit at home, these would be two recommend…read more »

Attract Birds To Your Garden This Winter

Attract Birds To Your Garden This Winter

Feeding birds in your backyard is a great way to add some life and color to a cold, winter landscape. There are many different bird species who can visit a feeder. The type of landscape habitat you have in your backyard will determine how many and the types of birds who visit. A landscape that…read more »

Poinsettias Make The Holidays Bright

Poinsettias Make The Holidays Bright

Poinsettias are a very common site during the Christmas holidays.  You can find them in a wide range of colors from reds, pinks, marbles, and whites.  With proper care, poinsettias will provide color and beauty for several weeks during the holidays. The poinsettia is a small tree and is native to the tropical area of…read more »

Caring For Pansies During Winter Season

Caring For Pansies During Winter Season

Pansies are a winter favorite in Eastern North Carolina because they can survive cold winter temperatures and add a splash of color to the landscape.  Pansies come in so many colors that it is hard to pass up getting at least a few to add to the landscape. Pansies are usually planted in our area…read more »

December Gardening Tips

December Gardening Tips

In December our minds are probably more on preparing for the holidays than working in the garden. If you need a break from the holiday rush, use these tips to guide you in the garden: General Tips If you soil test results say your soil is acidic, your garden, landscape or lawn could benefit from…read more »

Holiday Cacti Provide Color During The Holiday Season

Holiday Cacti Provide Color During The Holiday Season

You don’t typically think of cacti blooming at Christmas time, but the Christmas and Thanksgiving cacti offers exotic flowers in many different colors during the holiday season. These cacti are different than typical cacti because they are thorn-free. There are actually different types of holiday cacti named for the time they bloom: Easter, Thanksgiving and…read more »

Time To Bring Houseplants Indoors

Time To Bring Houseplants Indoors

Usually when we start hearing about cold temperatures around late October, people begin asking when they need to bring in their houseplants for the winter.  If you are like me, you probably move houseplants and other tender plants inside to protect them through the winter months.  As we have started to have colder temperatures, it…read more »

Collards Are In Season, Just In Time For Holiday Meals!

Collards Are In Season, Just In Time For Holiday Meals!

For many people in our area, the first fall frost of the season usually means it is time to include collards with our fall meals. There is something about that first frost that people say makes collards taste so good. Collard greens have long been a staple vegetable in Southern US cuisine. Collard greens date…read more »
