Category Archives: Gardening Tips

November Gardening Tips

November Gardening Tips

November is now upon us which means soon our minds may be more on preparing for the holiday season, but there are still things that can be done in the garden this time of year. Below are gardening tips to help your garden through the winter season. General Gardening Tips It is a good time…read more »

Time To Collect Soil Samples To Prepare For Next Year

Time To Collect Soil Samples To Prepare For Next Year

Now is the time to start planning for next year’s garden. The first step in those plans should include getting a soil test now so that you can have your soil prepared and amended by the time spring is here. Now is also a good time to get a soil test while they are free,…read more »

Harvest Season For Sweet Potatoes

Harvest Season For Sweet Potatoes

The harvesting of sweet potatoes is a common sight in Eastern North Carolina now during the fall season. Sweet potatoes are a bragging point in our region with North Carolina being number one for sweet potato production in the United States. North Carolina produces 50% of the sweet potatoes in the United States. There are…read more »

GARDENING TIPS: Backyard Composting

GARDENING TIPS: Backyard Composting

As we clean up our gardens and landscapes this fall, there is probably a lot of yard waste that we are wondering if we could recycle back into our gardens. Composting is a great way to reduce yard waste by recycling them into organic matter to use in gardens, landscape, and flower beds.When mixed with…read more »

October Gardening Tips

October Gardening Tips

Now that fall weather is upon us, October a great time to enjoy working in your gardens and landscapes. Use these tips to transition your garden from summer to fall: For all Garden Types: Now is a good time to get a soil test for your lawn, landscape beds, and vegetable gardens.  This allows enough…read more »

Plant Bulbs This Fall For Spring Flowers

Plant Bulbs This Fall For Spring Flowers

Many of us incorporate spring-flowering bulbs into our landscapes to enjoy seeing the first colors of spring.  However, the time that you plant spring-flowering bulbs is not a time of year you would typically be thinking about spring color.  Spring-flowering bulbs are planted in November when the soil temperature has dropped below 60°F.  Spring-flowering bulbs…read more »

Fall Is The Time To Plant Trees & Shrubs

Fall Is The Time To Plant Trees & Shrubs

Fall is a great time to plant trees and shrubs in your garden, however, it is important to properly plant them so they will be healthy for many years. Spring is when we often think about planting trees and shrubs because it is the time of year we see plants growing and get excited about…read more »

Think Twice Before Fertilizing Your Lawn This Fall

Think Twice Before Fertilizing Your Lawn This Fall

Fall is a great time in our area to enjoy comfortable temperatures and being outdoors in our gardens. Usually during this time of year, you can find some advertisement and promotions of winter fertilizer products for the lawn. The question then comes up, “Am I supposed to be fertilizing my lawn in the fall?” The…read more »

September Gardening Tips

September Gardening Tips

As fall is just around the corner, September is a great time to start prepping your garden for cooler weather. Use these gardening tips below to enjoy being in the garden this fall: Lawn Do not apply any more nitrogen to lawns; it is time for lawns to slow down growth for winter. If your…read more »

Watch Out For Azalea Caterpillars

Watch Out For Azalea Caterpillars

Have you been finding some colorful caterpillars eating the leaves on your azaleas lately? If so, you could be looking at the azalea caterpillars.  Often referred to as Labor Day worms, these caterpillars usually show up on azaleas around late August and early September. As with other caterpillars, eventually these “worms” turn into a moth. …read more »
