Category Archives: Government

Closings For Independence Day

Closings For Independence Day

The following schedule changes will be taking place this week in observance of Independence Day: Goldsboro City Government Offices will be closed Monday, July 5, 2021 in observance of Independence Day. Monday’s solid waste routes in the city will be collected Wednesday, July 7. County of Wayne Government Offices will be closed Monday, July 5,…read more »

APPLICANTS WANTED: Get Involved With Your County Government

APPLICANTS WANTED: Get Involved With Your County Government

It’s your chance to get involved and have a voice in your local government. Wayne County is seeking applicants for its numerous boards, committees and commissions. Wayne County Public Information Officer Joel Gillie says they’re constantly looking for residents to get involved and “help shape the community.” For instance, there is a board that oversees…read more »

City Seeks Applicants For Advisory Boards & Commissions

City Seeks Applicants For Advisory Boards & Commissions

The City of Goldsboro is soliciting residents to serve on advisory boards and commissions. These boards and commissions give residents an opportunity to become actively involved in their community by providing recommendations to the City Council. Residents of the City of Goldsboro who wish to be considered for appointment to one of the boards and…read more »

Council Declares Mayor’s Seat Vacant, Sets Process For Appointment

Council Declares Mayor’s Seat Vacant, Sets Process For Appointment

The Goldsboro City Council takes the first steps to filling the new vacancy in the Mayor’s Office. As he continues to fight health issues, Chuck Allen announced he was resigning as Goldsboro’s Mayor last week. At Monday’s meeting, the council officially accepted Allen’s resignation. However, Councilwoman Brandi Matthews asked to delay setting the process for…read more »

GOLDSBORO BUDGET: Property Tax Increase OK’d, Utility Rate Hike Nixed

GOLDSBORO BUDGET: Property Tax Increase OK’d, Utility Rate Hike Nixed

A tax increase is in store for Goldsboro property owners. However, city residents will avoid a water and sewer rate hike this year. The Goldsboro City Council held a special meeting Friday evening and adopted the city’s new budget for the 2021-2022 fiscal year. That included approving the new schedule of fees and charges for…read more »

Council Sets Friday Special Meeting For Budget Adoption

Council Sets Friday Special Meeting For Budget Adoption

The City of Goldsboro plans to approve its new budget by the week’s end. The Goldsboro City Council has scheduled a special meeting for 5 PM on Friday, June 18 for the purpose of adopting the city’s 2021-2022 Fiscal Year Budget. At least one council member plans to attend the meeting remotely. At this time,…read more »

Goldsboro Mayor Resigns Amidst Continuing Health Battle

Goldsboro Mayor Resigns Amidst Continuing Health Battle

The City of Goldsboro’s mayor has stepped down.  Tuesday morning, Mayor Chuck Allen officially submitted his resignation, which is effective immediately. Allen has served as mayor since 2015.  He’s been a member of the Goldsboro City Council since 1999. Allen has been battling health issues and he took a health-related leave of absence from the…read more »

Utility Rate Increase Nixed As New City Budget Heads For Approval

Utility Rate Increase Nixed As New City Budget Heads For Approval

Goldsboro continues to examine its new city budget. Monday evening, the Goldsboro City Council met again and resumed dissecting the new financial plan. Heading into Monday’s work session, the City Manager’s recommended 2021-2022 Fiscal Year Budget includes a three-cent property tax increase as well as a 15% increase in water and sewer rates. While the property…read more »

County Supports Effort To Name Bridge After Former Fremont Mayor

County Supports Effort To Name Bridge After Former Fremont Mayor

There’s an effort to get a Wayne County bridge named after a former mayor. At their last meeting, the Wayne County Board of Commissioners approved requesting the I-795 and N.C. 222 bridge be named in honor of Andy Evans, the former mayor of Fremont. Commissioner Barbara Aycock read the resolution and thanked Evans’ family, who…read more »

Goldsboro Swears In New City Clerk

Goldsboro Swears In New City Clerk

Goldsboro has a new City Clerk.  This week, Laura Getz was sworn in as the new City Clerk for Goldsboro.  N.C. House Majority Leader John Bell from Wayne County performed the official swearing in during Monday’s Goldsboro City Council meeting.  Getz replaces Melissa Capps who had served as Goldsboro’s City Clerk since 2007.  read more »
