Category Archives: Government

Foster’s Primary Win Officially Certified By Local Elections Board

Foster’s Primary Win Officially Certified By Local Elections Board

It’s been five months since Bevan Foster won the Democratic Primary Election for the District 3 seat on the Wayne County Board of Commissioners. However, that victory was immediately marred by an election protest alleging Foster did not reside at his registered District 3 address of 610 Deveraux Street in Goldsboro. The fight over the…read more »

Residents Demand Mayor Apologize To Councilwoman

Residents Demand Mayor Apologize To Councilwoman

There’s continued tension between Goldsboro’s mayor and a city council member. The Goldsboro City Council approved the city’s new budget at the June 17th meeting, and at the very end of that meeting, Councilwoman Brandi Matthews was trying to speak as Mayor Chuck Allen adjourned the meeting. Residents have spoken up at subsequent meetings and…read more »

Council Agrees On Process For Evaluating City Manager

Council Agrees On Process For Evaluating City Manager

Goldsboro City Manager Tim Salmon has been on the job for over one year, and the city council now plans to evaluate his administration thus far. At Monday evening’s city council meeting, Goldsboro Mayor Chuck Allen brought up the proposed evaluation process for the manager. The council agreed to hold the evaluation for Salmon in…read more »

Wayne County Announces One Stop Early Voting Schedule

Wayne County Announces One Stop Early Voting Schedule

Early voting for the Presidential Election starts October 15th in Wayne County.  The early voting plan was unanimously approved by the Wayne County Board of Elections this week.  Five sites in the county will offer matching hours for One Stop Early Voting from October 15th – 31st.  Those sites are: The Maxwell Center, 3114 Wayne…read more »

County’s COVID-19 Positivity Rate Lower Than State’s

County’s COVID-19 Positivity Rate Lower Than State’s

The coronavirus pandemic continues and Wayne County is trying to stay ahead of the crisis. Last week, County Manager Craig Honeycutt shared some good news in an update provided by Wayne County Health Director Dr. Brenda Weis. Weis had informed the county that during the community testing events, the average community positivity rate was 6% — well…read more »

Isaias Provides Valuable Trial Run For Bigger Storms

Isaias Provides Valuable Trial Run For Bigger Storms

While Wayne County was spared some of the worst damage from Hurricane Isaias last week, the storm did provide some good lessons on emergency preparedness. Aaron Stryker, the Emergency Management Coordinator for Wayne County, gave an on the county’s storm readiness at Thursday’s county board meeting. Stryker says the big challenge was opening shelters while…read more »

County Contracts With Two Providers For Non-Emergency Transport

County Contracts With Two Providers For Non-Emergency Transport

The County of Wayne has contracted with North State Medical Transport and MedEx Medical Transport to provide non-emergency ambulatory transportation for residents in Wayne County.  The contracts took effect Friday.  These non-emergency transport providers will be replacing WayneNet, a non-emergency transport service operated by the county since 2006. The Wayne County Board of Commissioners made…read more »

Commissioners Push For Improved Broadband Access Across County

Commissioners Push For Improved Broadband Access Across County

The demand for broadband internet access is increasing throughout Wayne County. Many rural areas of the county continue to struggle with accessing the World Wide Web, a need highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic. At the last Wayne County Board meeting, Commissioner Ray Mayo noted the hardship many students would face with remote learning this school…read more »

Wayne County Commissioners Meeting Postponed

Wayne County Commissioners Meeting Postponed

Due to Hurricane Isaias and the lack of a quorum, Chairman E. Ray Mayo recessed Tuesday’s regular meeting of the Wayne County Board of Commissioners until Thursday, August 6.  The work session will begin at 8:00 a.m. and the formal meeting starts at 9:00 more »
